Thursday, June 12, 2014

More Than I Can Handle

Psalm 23

You know how when you end up in a place where life is just way more than you can handle.
I have been in that place way too many times and it really is unpleasant, I cry, moan, grumble and think about quitting.

Things happen that are out of our control. The load is too big to carry and you strain under its weight. You go from being excited about doing things for God and for people one minute and the next you are crying that you can't handle it.

You hear the line, "God won't give you more than you can handle" and you think something is wrong with you or someone is lying to you.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will not give you more than you can handle. It does say that when we go through the tough times that He is there for us. That we are not alone and that we are not doing life on our own.

I know it is easier to say than to do but the truth is your life is more than you can handle. It will always be that way. Chaos is everywhere. Sad things happen. Bad things come your way. You have to always build your courage and be brave. Stepping over obstacles until you are sure your spiritual self, if visible, would probably resemble Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ripped! Seriously though. Life is hard!

We don't go through it alone though. When we feel like we are alone in what we are going through it is because we are focused on the problem and not on God who is always with us.

I have felt so overwhelmed and panicky that I felt like I should just get things over and done with and not attempt to try it again. I get all sick and jittery and it is only because I am seeing that my husband is away for a week or that my new idea I had I actually had to follow through on and it all seemed like a huge mistake. It is easier just to quit. To run away and not deal with life. It is so simple to just not attempt anything new and to just curl up in bed with a good book and lie in bed and just not deal with life but this is what we miss, we miss God's provision. We miss God's blessings. When we persevere and keep close to Him and obey is voice and call on our lives we see what God has in store for us.

If I quit the things God has asked me to do or I moan about being left at home for a week on my own with 4 kids I put myself down. This is what happened with the parable of the talents. The one guy did nothing with the talents that were given him except bury it in the ground. He did even bother to invest it or take it and buy tools and seeds so he could reap a reward with it. He got afraid, he quit while he was ahead and had nothing to show for it in the end.

We always want to be in control of everything in our lives and so when the hard times come we do not know how to handle it. We try and take control of it but it is like trying to pull at a loose thread on a sweater and not expect it to completely unravel. We try and grasps grains of sand but they slip through our fingers.
It is only when we allow God to have control over our lives and allow Him to help us through it that we truly feel like we can make it through.

The Lord is your Shepherd, you need no one else to guide you through. You need not stress because He gives you a place to rest. He provides for your every need. Even when you walk in a place of dread and darkness, He is still there. A still, small voice guiding your every step. You will not fear the times to come because you know He is always with, will be with and has always been with you. He blesses you and anoints you and fills you to overflowing. He does not believe in holding back or saving His love for you for a rainy day. He does not store up his kindness and comfort for you. His mercies are new every morning.
If God is for you who on this earth or anywhere can be against you? If He is who He says He is and He does what He says He does and you believe these to be true what harm can come to you? Is there nothing you cannot handle with God in control.

Yes life and all that is thrown at me is more than I can handle or bear but I am not told to carry my burdens. I am told to give them over to God who is more than capable to carry them for me. Not even the things that are more than I can handle is impossible for God.

Today if you feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders. You cannot see a way out and the world is a rough place to be. You want to quit all of it. If that is you let me tell you that Jesus is right there beside you and sees your pain. He sees that you are overwhelmed. He is looking into your face right now and wiping the tears from your face. My Jesus is a lifter of heads that are downcast. He is a restorer of peace to our souls and a renewer of hope to the lost and weary.
Jesus really cares for you. Why don't you call on Him now and ask Him to take control of your life and the things that are more than you can handle.

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