Friday, April 3, 2015

Oh How He Loves You

Romans 5:8  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

Today we remember what Christ did for us on the cross. We remember how God so loved us that He sent His only Son to dies for us.

My Jesus knew all that I would do wrong. He didn't wait until I had it all together to mend the relationship between me and the Father. He has washed me clean and made me pure by His blood.
He didn't not question the Father and mention my sin and dirty soul. He did not say He could not die for me because of all I have done wrong. He didn't even take pity upon me and die just to save from my sins. He died because He loved me. He died because He wanted me to be with Him. Sin separated me from God and it grieved Him. It grieved my God that I was so far from Him.

I did not realise that I was lost and separated. Adam and Eve knew what it was like to have a relationship with God and walk with Him in the cool of the evening. But they also knew what it was like to be separated and rent from the fellowship of their God.
Oh what a gift and what a blessing to be loved so much by the Creator of all things.

He loves you and died for you too. He wants to have a relationship with you. You do not have to be perfect first. He loves you. The only thing He sees when He looks at you is who He created you to be. He sees past it all because it was all paid for, you just need to accept the gift.

Jesus died on the cross but the good news is that He rose again, victorious. Death no longer has a hold on you. You have freedom in Christ. Freedom to be all you have been created and called to be.

I know we all have fears. We are scared of things that are greater than what we feel capable of doing.
The truth is that Jesus goes before us and prepares the way. When you go down a road with obstacles He doesn't move the branch to get through and then let it swing back and hit you in the face, but He clears the way. When Moses came to the Red Sea it parted and didn't close until all of God's people were safely across.
When we don't put our toe in the water we will never see the waters parted. If we don't follow Jesus then we will not see what He is leading us to. We stop short of what we perceive is impossible. Fear grips us and we turn back too soon or we choose not to hear God's voice calling us.

Fear is only a door to freedom. Yes new things are scary. We would rather have the comfortable and manageable over the risky and stretching discomfort. But when we do this we miss out on so much. We miss out on what Jesus is just about to show us. We miss out on miracles, signs and wonders. We miss out on our calling.

We need not fear because perfect love drives out fear and that love comes from God.
1 John 4:18

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