As with always when women get together it has to involve chocolate. We learnt how to make chocolates. Dipping dried fruit and marshmallows in chocolate and even making chocolate leaves. It was all very interesting and such a great idea for Christmas presents. So sorry family that is what you are all getting for Christmas.
God really speaks to you where you are. Kathy Monk spoke about checking your side mirrors and your blinspot, to keep looking forward because if you keep looking back instead of looking forward you will crash. Your past is behind us. Look out for those who are next to you (your kids and family) Sometimes things hit you from your Blindspot. Check your blindspot, deal with offences and don't dwell on them. And most importantly keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Keep moving forward.
I have had some really hard times where I have taken offence over what people had said to me or about me. I have been on guard and on edge in new surroundings and so focused on what people thought of me. It has been a wound that would not heal and I felt any little knock from people would bump open the wound.
Tonight I have been healed from this and have learnt something very valuable. And I would like to add to Kathy Monk's word she brought by adding Give Way rules. I have been learning to drive and this week I passed my restricted license. I learnt about Blindspots, checking my review mirror and side mirrors before moving and making sure I indicate etc.
I have also had to learn who to Give Way to and when it is my turn to move forward.
"It is very important to know the Give Way rules. Otherwise, you may be involved in a nasty crash at an intersection. Giving way means that the road user you're giving way to (whether they are a driver, cyclist, pedestrian or any other kind of road user) doesn't need to stop, brake or slow down, swerve or take any other evasive action to avoid you."
We sometimes need to Give Way to people. Give people a break. No one is perfect. We are all human and have all offended someone along the way. We never have meant to do it. And we surely do not go out of our way to offend (I hope). Or if we do it is out of our own hurt and misunderstanding of who the other person is and what the other person is doing and how they think.
We may not understand why people do things and say the things they do but we should not let this interfere with the course God has set us on. We must not veer to the left or right. Once we have decided on our course we need to follow it through, give others right of way, yield to oncoming traffic and be patient.
We are all rushing around doing our own thing. Sometimes we just need to slow down on the roundabout of life Give Way to those on the right of us and slow down and look at what is going on around us. Sometimes we can be so absorbed in our own lives and what we are doing that we forget that their are others around us.
While I was being prayed for this evening, the lady praying for me said that it was as if I was always on guard. I have felt so very weighed down by these hurts. My mind has been so focused on worrying about what others think, when the next hit is going to come from and from where, that I have had no peace.
I am going into a new season in my life. Or maybe I had entered into this new season a few years ago when the first hurt hit my drivers door. But now it is only reaching it's peak, the clouds are parting. I can see the shore. Land Ahoy! Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. I can shine again for Jesus.
I am going into a new season in my life. Or maybe I had entered into this new season a few years ago when the first hurt hit my drivers door. But now it is only reaching it's peak, the clouds are parting. I can see the shore. Land Ahoy! Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. I can shine again for Jesus.
God loves me. His Joy is my strength. He has a plan and a purpose for my life and all I need to do is focus on Him.
Though people will come and say things that will offend and hurt I no longer need to become enslaved to it.
I kept on feeling hurt that I was not apologised to. No one said sorry to me for hurting to me. But what does the Word of God say? Forgive others.
If Jesus waited for an apology before he forgave our sins we would still be in the bondage of sin. Thankfully Jesus did not wait for an apology even when His disciples fell asleep in His hour of need, When Judas betrayed Him, when He was beaten and crucified. He never asked for an apology. While He was on the cross in the state He was in and all He had already been through He cried out to God to forgive us.
We have been betrayed, hurt, bruised and broken and in our pride we try and make sure others know we are right and everyone else is in the wrong. Forgiveness is the key. If you are still talking about the hurt to others you have not dealt with the offence. You have not fully forgiven. When Jesus forgives He tells us He forgets it and it is as if it never happened.
It is like when your child has done something wrong and comes to apologise and you accept their apology and forgive them and yet years later they are still apologising for the same wrong doing you kind of feel that you aren't being taken seriously.
Jesus loves you and died for you. He has forgiven your wrong doings. You may feel unworthy, not good enough, not right yet to be called His Son or Daughter but God would have you know that He takes you where you are and He washes you clean and gives you a new heart and a new mind. Sets your feet on the Rock. He will never let you fall.
Don't wait until this or that criteria is met. Follow Him where you are right now. Who you are right now. He meets each of us where we are. We do not have to achieve some form of perfection first.
Open your arms today and ask Him to pick you up and mold you into His image. In the hands of the potter things are shaped and molded. Out of mud is created something beautiful.
About 2 years ago now 1st April 2009 I wrote about one of Brooke Fraser's songs titled As surely as the sun will Rise. Today I feel the sun has risen on my life. I have been in such a dark place the last 2 years. My heart has been heavy, my mind clouded. Tears bottled up within.
Tonight the tears came and it may take another week of it but by the end of this week the clouds will part the sun will rise and shine.
'Arise and Shine for your Light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen in this place.'
Wow God you are awesome. I just got this song in my head. I went and googled it to get the lyrics for the whole song and got the verse instead. Isaiah 60 speaks right to me this morning. what an amazing promise. I am blown away by God's grace and mercy.