Sunday, June 14, 2009

Update Time

Okay so it has been awhile. Hopefully life has gotten to a point where I can post more... maybe.

I feel God challenging me everyday to do something new and exciting.

Last week Sunday I had music rehearsal. I really enjoyed myself. It was so exciting to sing again for the Lord.
Today I started a Social Network for Christians in New Zealand. I did not start it for it to become very big or even one of the top websites. I started it for all the Christians in New Zealand who feel they need a place where they can talk to other Christians about their Faith and bounce ideas off each other and to encourage each other.
I have been looking for a NZ Christian site for awhile now and didn't find anything. There are heaps of American ones but I didn't feel like I could relate to them much.

The site has 4 members now. My husband, Mom and myself and one of my Mom's friends. I am praying that those who are looking will find it and join us. I have added two widgets. A daily quotes one and the bible on one year.
A lot of us want to read the Bible from cover to cover in one year but never get the opportunity so I thought it was a nice addition to the front page.

(Please note I have had to take this site offline but I am considering opening another one. I just need to consult all the options. Thank you for your support)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Making the first step of this Journey

On Sunday I will be Auditioning for Worship in church.

This is the first time I have auditioned for the privilege to lead God's people into worshiping Him.

I will be singing Brooke Fraser's "You'll Come" and "Thine is the Kingdom" by Richard Knott
I am slightly nervous but I know that this is a step I have to take. If what you have been called to do isn't scary it is not big enough.

Making a step in the right direction and making it knowing that it will could change you is a huge step. It is a step of Faith and Trust.
Sometimes we are most happy staying in our little comfort zones. Stepping out to do anything new leaves us quaking in our boots.
I am learning to drive. Eek!! It is something I know I have to do but thinking about driving a big machine on wheels in traffic scares me and almost makes me sick.
Prayer. Prayer is what gets me through these things and Faith and Trust in my Heavenly Father is what helps me take the first step. I close my eyes and step into what He has for my life.

His ways are not our ways. For this I am most grateful. He has had His hand on my life since the beginning of the world. He know me through and through. My Father knows my fears, my failures, my wrong doing, my emotions and struggles. He knows it all. He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us to get us through our life on Earth (our temporary home)

What will we do today to make a difference. Are we all just going to be happy going to church on a Sunday, maybe writing a few notes, singing a song or two maybe clapping hands an little hop or maybe even raise our hands a little? Or are we going to say this is not enough for me. I want more I need more out of life. God has something great planned for me. Life is too short. Let's live it today.

The message I am getting from God this year is that this year will be the year of thing coming to fruition. A year of much fruit. All that you have sewed and worked hard for. All your perseverance and faithfulness will be rewarded and you will see the fruit.

So far this year I have seen the fruit of my life coming through. I hope most of it is good fruit and I know being a sinner there will be some bad fruit. Thought's, feelings, my dreams, my hopes, my greed.

When is it going to become not okay with us to live as we are? Church on Sunday and then for the rest of the week we do not touch our Bibles nor do we talk to our Father. The Holy Spirit is ignored, we forget what Jesus accomplished and why and for whom. Our neighbours still haven't heard the good news and we turn a blind eye to those who look like they may ask us about our Lord and Saviour.

Do you know how to answer the questions you will be asked if you do step out? Why are you an Christian? why did Jesus die on the cross? How do you know He rose again? Why is Christianity different?
Be prepared be ready, these questions will come. You will need to answer them. Pick up your Bible and read. Listen, prepare, pray. Find the answers to your faith. Ask yourself why you believe.

John 4:27-42

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

As surely as the sun will rise

"As surely as the sun will rise, You'll come to us. As certain as the dawn appears"
Hillsong - Brooke Fraser

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

1 Corinthians 2:9
No eye has seen,
No ear has heard,
No mind has conceived
What God has prepared for those who love Him.

These two scriptures have stood out for me all my life and I am sure to many others too. It has an air of expectation. A feeling that there is really more to life. Trusting God wholly and knowing He is there always to guide you. He has a plan. My life is not going to end with me feeling it was all for naught.

As surely as the sun will rise You'll come to us as certain as the dawn appears.
The sun will rise tomorrow that dawn will come at the end of the day. These are some of the certainties we have in life and just as we have these we have the certainty that God is there for us all the time no matter what. Like the footprints in the sand.

With the Poem of the footprints in the sand I realise that there is a part that we need to play to. God may be holding us during the tough times when we cannot walk ourselves and we need to be carried but maybe we need to at these times remember Him and recognise His presence in our lives and recognise Our Father's footprints in the sand instead of thinking we are alone and that those footprints are our own.

Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own understanding.
"My ways are not yours" says the Lord.

He said He would never leave us or forsake us. Do we beleive that? Do we somedays feel like He has? Why do we not feel Him carrying us in our darkes hour or not recognise that the single set of footprints in the sand are not ours but His?

Find the Poem here ---> Footprints

Will we walk by Faith and Trust in Him? I'd like to say I do maybe somedays I need to remind myself of this.